Nest Wishes
Do more than just wish bird families the best this nesting season. Give them the best possible nesting nutrition with Nesting SuperBlend™. This high-protein blend with added calcium is designed specifically for birds’ nesting and molting needs. It is perfect for birds preparing to nest, while they nest and for the young when they leave the nest.
When preparing to raise a family, the need for protein and calcium significantly increases for bird moms. A sufficient amount of protein and calcium helps determine the number of eggs she produces and positively impacts the growth rate and health of young birds.
Young birds need calcium, protein and fat among other nutrients while growing. Most dietary calcium in young birds is used for the formation of bone production. Calcium is the most challenging mineral for birds because when they need calcium they need a lot of it and they need it right now. Besides the increased need, many natural foods are often calcium deficient. The added calcium of Nesting SuperBlend helps fulfill this need.
As the nestlings grow, the high-protein content is crucial for muscle and feather development. Protein requirements are highest for a bird until they reach their adult size and weight. This often happens after they have fledged from the nest.
After nesting, this high-protein blend supports birds’ feather health. Young birds are still growing out their feathers. Adult birds are starting to molt all their feathers. Since feathers are made up of over 90% protein, a high-protein diet is a crucial from mid- to late-summer for our backyard visitors.
Invite birds to successfully raise families in your backyard with the best nesting wishes and nutrition in Nesting SuperBlend.
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