Check out these things happening this month!
Last month for the end of the year! Make sure to go out with a Bang! - Happy Birdwatching
Project Feeder Watch continues,
Audubon's Christmas Bird Count is this month!
Great Horned Owls are pairing up this month ñ listen for their "who" calls.
This is a great time to teach chickadees and titmice to feed from your hand. Using our No-mess No millet is a great mixture for them to enjoy!
Watch for late waterfowl migrants such as Northern Shovelers, mergansers, Ruddy Ducks and Common Goldeneyes.
Tundra Swans arrive.
Purple Finches can be seen at feeders.
Smith's Longspurs arrive for their brief visit to the north-central part of our region.
Red-tailed Hawks and American Kestrels have arrived for winter.
Geminid Meteor Shower is mid-month.