Check out these things happening this month!
We look forwards to all the amazing things that are happening this month! So here are a couple of things to look forward to! -Happy Birdwatching
Project FeederWatch ends this month,
Orioles return and begin nesting in southern part of the region. Get their feeders ready. They love Grape jelly, and orange slices for some extra treats!
Whip-poor-wills arrive in the first half of the month. Listen closely to the dusk night as you will hear the distinctive calls they have.
Wintering sparrows begin to head north; the White-throated are usually the last to go.
Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks arrive at inland breeding sites.
Painted Buntings begin to arrive late in the month. Make sure you have a separate tray feeder out filled with millet to attract them to your own yard!
Spring migration brings the American Redstart, Ovenbird, Indigo Bunting, Baltimore and Orchard Oriole, Red-eyed Vireo early in the month and the Yellow
Warbler, Rose-breasted and Blue Grosbeak later.
Mature male Rose-breasted Grosbeaks arrive about three days before the females. First year males usually arrive last.
Indigo Buntings arrive.
Lyrids meteor shower, late-April.
Earth Day, April 22. Make sure to take time to appreciate mother nature as she created such a beautiful place for us to listen and watch the birds!